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After Your House Lift: The Complete Guide To Maintenance and Care

House lifting, an innovative solution primarily adopted for flood mitigation, increasing living space, or addressing foundational issues, has recently gained significant traction. For many homeowners, it’s a valuable investment, ensuring safety, adding value to their properties, and transforming how they view and interact with their homes. Yet, just like any major home renovation or alteration, the process doesn’t quite end once the house is securely perched on its new elevation. The post-lifting phase is just as critical. It’s the period where vigilant maintenance and care come into play, guaranteeing that the house remains stable, safe, and secure for years to come.

The Importance of Post-Lifting Maintenance

House lifting is a transformative experience for any home. This significant alteration changes the structural dynamics, ensuring a safer, more efficient space in many ways. However, as with any major structbringslso brings about new challenges and responsibilities. Recognizing and addressing the importance of post-lifting maintenance is crucial for a multitude of reasons:

  1. Ensuring Longevity: Just as you wouldn’t buy a car and skip regular tune-ups, a lifted house also demands periodic checks and maintenance. Proper care ensures the longevity of the lift, meaning your home remains elevated and safe for the long run.
  2. Preventing Potential Issues: Over time, even minor issues like small cracks, leaks, or pest invasions can become significant problems if left unaddressed. Regular maintenance allows homeowners to catch and rectify these issues early on, saving time, stress, and potentially high repair costs.
  3. Protecting Your Investment: Lifting a house is not only about elevating it off the ground; it’s a considerable investment in your property’s future. Maintaining its structural integrity and ensuring all components remain in top shape protects this investment, ensuring maximum return if you ever decide to sell.
  4. Safety Concerns: A lifted house has different vulnerabilities than a ground-level house. Regular maintenance checks help ensure that the new height doesn’t introduce safety hazards, such as instability due to settling or potential utility connection issues.
  5. Peace of Mind: An undeniable peace of mind comes with knowing your home is in its best possible condition. Regular post-lifting maintenance gives homeowners the confidence that their house is safe, secure, and free from lurking issues.

In essence, while lifting your house can be likened to giving it a new lease on life, consistent post-lifting care ensures this life is long, fruitful, and free from avoidable complications. In the following sections, we’ll delve deeper into what this maintenance entails and how to ensure the utmost care for your elevated home.

Routine Inspections

One of the fundamental pillars of post-lifting maintenance is a commitment to routine inspections. Just as a physician’s regular check-up can detect and prevent health issues, consistent examinations of a lifted home can ensure its ongoing stability and health. Here are the crucial areas you should focus on during these inspections:

Foundation Check:

  • Why It’s Crucial: The foundation is the backbone of your elevated home. Even minor issues can amplify over time and compromise the structure’s integrity.
  • Signs of Possible Settling or Movement: Look out for cracks in the foundation, uneven flooring inside the home, doors or windows that don’t close properly, or visible shifts in the structure’s alignment.
  • Importance of Moisture Management: Excess moisture can grow mold and weaken the foundation. Ensure no water pooling around your home’s base and proper drainage systems are in place.

Structural Assessment:

  • Examining Beams, Posts, and Joists: These elements bear the weight of your home. Check for any signs of wear, rot, rust (for metal parts), or other damage.
  • Looking for Cracks, Rot, or Damage: Regularly inspect walls, ceilings, and visible structural components for any cracks or damage. While some settling is expected, significant shifts can indicate deeper problems.

Pest Inspections:

  • Vulnerability of Elevated Homes: While lifting a house can reduce the risk of certain ground pests, elevated structures might attract others, especially if gaps or openings exist.
  • Regular Checkups: It’s essential to schedule periodic pest inspections, especially focusing on areas like the underside of the lifted home and entry points. This will ensure no infestation, which can compromise structural components, especially wooden ones.

Remember, while homeowners can conduct preliminary inspections themselves, there’s no substitute for professional expertise. At least once a year, or following significant events like storms or earthquakes, it’s wise to bring in a structural engineer or a home inspector familiar with lifted houses. They can provide a comprehensive evaluation, ensuring that your home remains in optimal condition and any budding issues are addressed promptly.

In the journey of maintaining a lifted home, it’s better to be proactive than reactive. Regular inspections are your first line of defense, helping safeguard your home’s stability, beauty, and value for the long haul.

Drainage Systems Maintenance

Once a home is lifted, its drainage is one of the most critical systems to maintain and monitor. Ensuring water is properly diverted and drained is paramount to preserving the structure’s integrity. Here’s why and how to maintain your drainage systems post-lift:

Why Proper Drainage is Essential Post-Lift:

  • Protection Against Erosion: With the home elevated, improper drainage can lead to erosion around the foundation, potentially undermining the house’s stability.
  • Prevention of Moisture Damage: Pooled water can lead to mold growth, rot, and damage to the home’s foundation and wooden components.
  • Ensuring Longevity of Support Structures: Water can be corrosive, especially if it stagnates. Ensuring good drainage helps in protecting pilings, beams, and other supporting structures from premature wear.

Routine Cleaning of Gutters and Downspouts:

  • Regular Checks: In seasons with heavy foliage drops, ensure that gutters are clear of leaves, twigs, and other debris.
  • Cleaning Protocols: Use a ladder safely or employ professionals to clean the gutters. Flush them with water to ensure free flow and inspect downspouts for any clogging.

Checking the Slope and Landscaping Features:

  • Maintain a Positive Slope: The ground should slope away from your home’s foundation. This helps prevent water from pooling around the base, directing it away from the structure.
  • Landscaping Considerations: While plants beautify the surroundings, ensure they don’t hinder the water flow. Also, avoid planting trees too close, as their roots can interfere with drainage paths or the foundation itself.

Importance of Sump Pumps and Regular Maintenance:

  • Role of Sump Pumps: Especially for homes in areas prone to flooding, a sump pump is essential. It helps remove water accumulating in a sump basin and diverts it away from the home.
  • Regular Checkups: Test the sump pump periodically, especially before heavy rain seasons, to ensure it’s working correctly. Clean any debris from its surroundings and check for any signs of wear or malfunction.

Drainage Solutions for Special Locations:

  • Coastal Homes: Saltwater can be particularly corrosive. Ensure drainage solutions account for saltwater intrusion and consider anti-corrosion treatments for exposed structures.
  • Homes Near Slopes: These may be more susceptible to runoff after heavy rainfall. Implementing additional barriers or drainage channels can be beneficial.

In summary, the well-being of an elevated home is intricately tied to how efficiently it manages water. Proper drainage ensures structural safety and provides a clean, moisture-free environment for the home’s occupants. Remember, while some maintenance tasks can be handled personally, always consider hiring professionals for comprehensive checks, especially if you spot any persistent issues.

Moisture Control

Maintaining a dry environment is paramount for any home, and this importance is magnified for a lifted house. Elevated structures might, in certain circumstances, become more susceptible to moisture-related issues due to their heightened exposure to environmental elements. Effectively controlling moisture helps protect the home’s structural integrity and provides a comfortable living environment. Let’s delve into the intricacies of moisture control for lifted houses:

Why Elevated Homes May Be More Susceptible:

  • Increased Exposure: Being raised off the ground, lifted homes might face enhanced exposure to rain splash, wind-driven rain, or elevated groundwater during rainy seasons.
  • Crawl Space Concerns: The space beneath a lifted home can trap moisture, especially if not adequately ventilated, leading to a humid environment conducive to mold growth and wood rot.

Ensuring Proper Ventilation:

  • Crawl Space Ventilation: Installing vents can help regulate the moisture levels beneath the home. Ensure they’re adequately spaced, and consider using automatic temp-vent systems that open or close based on temperature.
  • Home Interior Ventilation: Use exhaust fans in high-humidity areas like bathrooms and kitchens. Ensuring good airflow throughout the home can also prevent the accumulation of moisture.

Importance of Vapor Barriers:

  • What They Are: Vapor barriers, typically made of plastic or foil sheeting, are designed to prevent moisture from seeping into the home.
  • Application in Lifted Homes: For homes with crawl spaces, laying a vapor barrier over the ground can prevent ground moisture from evaporating directly into the crawl space.

Role of Dehumidifiers:

  • Why They’re Beneficial: Dehumidifiers help reduce the air’s moisture levels, preventing mold growth and ensuring a comfortable living environment.
  • Where to Use: Consider placing dehumidifiers in areas prone to high humidity, such as basements, garages, or the main living spaces. Specialized crawl space dehumidifiers can be installed for persistent moisture in crawl spaces.

Regular Inspections for Mold and Mildew:

  • Periodic Checks: Look out for signs of mold or mildew in your home, especially in corners, behind furniture, and in other low-ventilation areas.
  • Addressing Issues: If mold or mildew is detected, it’s essential to address the root cause of the moisture buildup and then clean or treat the affected areas. Persistent problems might require professional mold remediation services.

Maintaining Roof and Exterior:

  • Roof Inspections: A leaky roof can introduce moisture into the home. Regularly inspect the roof for damaged or missing shingles and ensure flashings are intact.
  • Exterior Walls and Windows: Check for cracks or gaps in siding, stucco, or brickwork. Ensure window seals are tight and effective in keeping out rain and moisture.

In conclusion, while lifting a home offers numerous benefits, the responsibility of moisture control becomes paramount. Adopting a proactive approach and regularly checking for signs of excess humidity will ensure the prolonged health of your elevated home and a comfortable environment for its inhabitants.

Regular Cleaning of Support Mechanisms

Support mechanisms, integral to the stability and safety of a lifted home, often bear the brunt of external elements. Dust, debris, insects, salt (in coastal areas), and other pollutants can accumulate, potentially leading to wear and tear. Hence, a commitment to regular cleaning of these supports is essential. Let’s explore how and why this maintenance is vital for the longevity of your elevated home:

The Role of Support Mechanisms in Lifted Homes:

  • Bearing the Weight: These structures, be it pilings, beams, columns, or jacks, are entrusted with holding up the entirety of the house. Ensuring their health directly correlates with the home’s stability.
  • Vulnerability to External Factors: Being exposed, these mechanisms often face direct environmental interaction, resulting in corrosion, dirt buildup, and other damages over time.

Routine Cleaning Tips:

  • Dusting and Brushing: Regularly use a stiff brush to remove accumulated dust, cobwebs, and debris. This keeps the supports looking clean and allows for early detection of any structural issues.
  • Washing: A mixture of mild soap and water can wash away dirt, salt deposits (particularly important for homes near the sea), and other contaminants. Ensure that the area dries properly afterward to avoid moisture buildup.
  • Anti-Corrosion Measures: Consider periodic application of anti-corrosion sprays or paints for metal supports. This is especially crucial in areas prone to heavy rainfall or coastal environments.

Checking for Pests and Infestations:

  • Signs to Watch For: Nest formations, sawdust-like residues (from wood-boring insects), or unusual markings can be indicators.
  • Regular Treatments: Consider treatments to deter pests, especially if the supports are wooden. Always opt for environmentally friendly solutions when possible.

Lubrication of Moving Parts:

  • Jacks and Adjustable Supports: If your lifted home utilizes jacks or any other adjustable supports, ensure they are lubricated periodically to keep them functioning smoothly.
  • Inspection for Wear: While cleaning, always check for signs of wear and tear, especially in moving parts, to ensure timely replacements or adjustments.

Professional Assessments:

  • Annual Checks: While personal cleaning and inspection are beneficial, consider getting a professional assessment at least annually. Structural engineers or experts in house lifting can provide a detailed review, ensuring everything is in top shape and offering suggestions for upkeep.

Additional Protective Measures:

  • Coating and Seals: Depending on the material of the supports (wood, metal, concrete), consider coatings or seals designed to enhance longevity and provide protection against the elements.
  • Landscaping: Ensure plants or shrubs near supports don’t cause damage or retain moisture against them. Proper landscaping can buffer against direct splashes during rains or storms.

In essence, the supports of an elevated home are its foundational pillars. Regular cleaning and maintenance of these mechanisms ensure a neat appearance and, more critically, guarantee the enduring safety and stability of the house. Investing time in their upkeep translates to securing the well-being of the entire structure for years to come.

Checking Utility Connections

When a home is elevated, it undergoes substantial structural adjustments. Among these changes are the shifts in utility connections – electrical, water, sewage, or gas. Maintaining these connections post-lift is essential for safety, efficiency, and overall home functionality. Here’s what homeowners should know about checking and maintaining utility connections in a lifted house:

Why Utility Connections Need Regular Checks:

  • Potential Strain: The act of lifting a house can put a strain on utility lines, leading to potential weak points or areas of vulnerability.
  • Safety Concerns: A compromised utility connection, especially gas or electric, poses severe safety risks, including fire or exposure to harmful gases.
  • Efficiency: A proper connection ensures that utilities function at their best, providing consistent services without hitches.

Electrical Connections:

  • Regular Inspections: Check external and internal outlets, switches, and light fixtures to ensure they work correctly.
  • Look Out For: Flickering lights, unusual buzzing sounds, or sparking, which may indicate a compromised connection or potential electrical issue.
  • Professional Maintenance: It’s essential to hire a licensed electrician to inspect the electrical system at least annually or if any issues arise.

Water and Sewage Lines:

  • Regular Checks: Inspect exposed pipes for any signs of leaks, rust, or corrosion.
  • Signs of Concern: Reduced water pressure, gurgling sounds, or backup in sinks and toilets could suggest a problem.
  • Professional Inspections: Periodically, especially if you suspect any issues, consider a professional plumbing assessment to ensure pipes and connections are in optimal condition.

Gas Connections:

  • Safety First: Gas leaks are dangerous. Regularly check gas lines for signs of wear or damage.
  • Odor is a Warning: A sulfuric or rotten egg smell can indicate a gas leak. If you notice such an odor, shut off the main gas valve, evacuate the home, and immediately call your gas company or a professional.
  • Annual Maintenance: A licensed professional should inspect gas connections annually to ensure no leaks or potential hazards.


  • Internet and Cable: Ensure that your telecommunications lines, like those for the internet or cable TV, remain intact and efficient. A lifted home may have extended or re-routed lines.
  • Signs of Issues: Intermittent connections or reduced signal quality might suggest a problem. While some troubleshooting can be done independently, professional assistance might be needed for complex issues.

General Tips for Utility Maintenance:

  • Clearance and Protection: Ensure utility connections have enough clearance from the ground, especially in flood-prone areas. Consider protective measures, like shielding, for exposed connections.
  • Documentation: Always keep updated diagrams or records of where utility lines run post-lift. This aids in troubleshooting and provides clarity for any future work.
  • Educate the Household: Ensure that all household members know the locations of main shutoff valves or switches and understand what to do in emergencies.

In conclusion, while a lifted home offers enhanced protection from elements like floods, its elevated nature necessitates a diligent approach to utility connections. Regular checks and timely professional assessments ensure these essential services’ safety, functionality, and longevity, providing homeowners peace of mind.

Landscape Maintenance

Raising a home brings about not just architectural alterations but also changes the dynamics of the surrounding landscape. This new elevated perspective requires homeowners to reconsider their outdoor space’s design, functionality, and maintenance. Here’s a guide to understanding and maintaining the landscape around a lifted house:

Importance of Thoughtful Landscaping Post-Lift:

  • Aesthetics: An elevated house presents a new visual dynamic. Thoughtful landscaping can enhance curb appeal and ensure the home blends harmoniously with its surroundings.
  • Safety: Properly maintained landscapes can prevent soil erosion and offer buffer zones, protecting the foundation and supports of the house.
  • Functionality: Landscaping can serve as a natural drainage solution, channeling water away from the home.

Designing with Elevation in Mind:

  • Terracing and Retaining Walls: Especially on sloping land, these structures can control soil erosion, create flat areas for gardening, and add visual interest.
  • Steps and Pathways: The elevated entrance might need redesigned steps or ramps. Use slip-resistant materials and ensure pathways are well-lit.
  • Plant Selection: Opt for deep-rooted plants that help stabilize the soil and act as natural barriers against erosion.

Routine Landscape Maintenance:

  • Lawn Care: Regular mowing, fertilizing, and watering ensure a healthy lawn. Consider aerating the soil annually to promote root growth and water infiltration.
  • Pruning and Trimming: Regularly trim shrubs and trees, especially those close to the house or utility lines, to prevent damage and encourage healthy growth.
  • Mulching: Apply mulch around plants to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and improve soil health. It also serves as an erosion control measure.

Monitoring Drainage Patterns:

  • Observation after Rainfall: Check how water flows during and after rain. Puddles or water pooling close to the house can indicate drainage issues.
  • Rain Gardens: These are strategically placed gardens designed to absorb rainwater runoff, especially in areas prone to pooling. They not only address drainage issues but also add beauty to the landscape.
  • Redirecting Downspouts: Ensure that downspouts direct water away from the house, preferably into a garden or a rain barrel, preventing soil erosion near the foundation.

Integrated Pest Management:

  • Regular Checks: Inspect plants for signs of pests or diseases. Early detection can prevent larger infestations or spread.
  • Natural Solutions: Favor organic and environmentally-friendly pest control solutions. Introduce beneficial insects like ladybugs or employ companion planting to deter pests.
  • Disease Control: Remove affected plants or parts to prevent the spread of diseases. Ensure proper spacing and ventilation for plants to reduce disease susceptibility.

Additional Landscape Elements:

  • Lighting: Introduce landscape lighting for aesthetics, safety, and functionality. Highlight steps, pathways, and key landscape features.
  • Water Features: Consider adding ponds, fountains, or waterfalls. They can serve as focal points, improve ambiance, and offer potential drainage solutions.

In summary, the landscape surrounding a lifted home is pivotal in enhancing the property’s appeal, functionality, and safety. It requires a harmonious blend of aesthetics and practicality. Regular maintenance, coupled with strategic planning, ensures that the outdoor space complements the elevated stature of the home while also serving its essential purposes.

Investing in Professional Maintenance

Elevating a home is a significant undertaking with various challenges and responsibilities. While homeowners themselves can manage many aspects of post-lift care, certain aspects of maintenance demand expertise. This is where the role of professional maintenance becomes indispensable. Let’s delve into the reasons for, and benefits of, investing in professional maintenance for lifted homes:

Why Professional Maintenance is Crucial:

  • Expertise Matters: Professionals possess the knowledge and experience to detect and address potential issues before they escalate.
  • Safety Concerns: Certain tasks, especially those related to structural integrity, utilities, or other specialized areas, can pose safety risks if not done correctly.
  • Cost-Effective: While there’s an upfront cost, hiring professionals can prevent expensive repairs by identifying and rectifying problems early.

Structural Integrity Checks:

  • Foundation and Supports: Regular professional assessment of the home’s foundational elements ensures it remains stable and secure.
  • Detection of Weak Points: Experts can spot early signs of wear, damage, or vulnerability, recommending appropriate measures to strengthen or repair.

Utility Audits:

  • Efficiency Assessment: Professionals can evaluate the efficiency of utilities, leading to potential savings on bills and enhanced functionality.
  • Safety Checks: Specialized checks, especially for gas and electrical connections, can prevent hazards like fires or leaks.

Landscape Consultations:

  • Expert Design: Landscape architects or designers can optimize the aesthetics and functionality of the outdoor space around a lifted home.
  • Soil and Drainage Analysis: Professionals can analyze the soil, ensuring it supports the plants and offers adequate drainage to prevent water pooling or erosion.

Pest and Mold Inspections:

  • In-depth Evaluation: While homeowners can spot obvious signs, professionals can detect hidden infestations or mold growth, ensuring the home remains safe and healthy.
  • Treatment Recommendations: They can suggest the most effective treatments, considering both the immediate issue and long-term prevention.

HVAC System Maintenance:

  • Regular Tune-ups: Professionals can ensure that heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems work efficiently, prolonging their lifespan and ensuring indoor comfort.
  • Air Quality Checks: Professionals can assess and improve indoor air quality, especially in lifted homes where circulation patterns differ from traditional homes.

Periodic Roofing Inspections:

  • Spotting Potential Issues: Experts can identify problems like damaged shingles, leaks, or structural weaknesses, ensuring the roof remains watertight and durable.
  • Maintenance Recommendations: Based on the inspection, they can suggest cleaning, repair, or replacement measures to prolong the roof’s lifespan.

Peace of Mind:

  • Trust in Expertise: Knowing that professionals are periodically checking and maintaining the home offers homeowners peace of mind regarding their elevated property’s safety, efficiency, and longevity.
  • Documentation: Professionals often provide detailed reports of their inspections and services, which can be crucial for insurance purposes or future property sales.

In conclusion, while DIY maintenance has its place, the complexities of caring for a lifted home necessitate professional input in certain areas. Investing in expert maintenance is an investment in the property’s longevity, safety, and value. It ensures that the home stands tall in stature, quality, function, and aesthetics.


Elevating a home presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities. Beyond the initial lifting process, homeowners ensure their residence remains safe, functional, and aesthetically pleasing. From regular inspections to intricate landscape considerations and moisture control to the pivotal role of professional maintenance, every aspect contributes to the holistic well-being of the elevated abode.

However, it’s essential to recognize that the heart of these efforts goes beyond mere maintenance. It’s about safeguarding a sanctuary where memories are made and lives unfold. By investing time, effort, and occasionally professional expertise into post-lift care, homeowners aren’t just preserving bricks and mortar but nurturing a legacy.

In the grand scheme, lifting a house becomes more than a protective measure against external threats like flooding. It symbolizes a homeowner’s commitment to adaptation, resilience, and forward-thinking. With the right maintenance and care strategies in place, this elevated structure is a testament to a home’s enduring strength and the homeowner’s unwavering dedication.

Here’s to homes that stand tall, not just in height but in spirit, resilience, and love. May every lifted house be a beacon of hope, adaptability, and a monument to the lengths we go to protect and cherish our personal havens.

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