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House Lifting Methods: Benefits, Drawbacks, and When Each is Used

There are several compelling reasons. For homeowners residing in flood-prone areas, lifting their homes can provide a proactive defense against potential water damage. In urban settings where space is at a premium, raising a house can be the first step in adding a new basement or additional living quarters. Additionally, foundational wear and tear or structural issues can necessitate house lifting to conduct repairs safely.

Yet, like every construction process, house lifting is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Various methods cater to different needs, each with unique advantages and challenges. In this article, we will delve deep into these methods, exploring their benefits, drawbacks, and the situations they are best suited for to give homeowners a clear picture of their options.

Traditional House Lifting

Traditional house lifting, often considered the “grandfather” of all lifting methods, primarily involves using hydraulic jacks combined with temporary supports. The process begins by placing these jacks systematically around the home’s perimeter and central load-bearing points. As these jacks are activated, they elevate the house in increments, sometimes as small as a few millimeters, ensuring even lifting and reducing the risk of structural damage. Once the desired height is achieved, temporary supports or cribbing are positioned underneath to hold the structure securely.


  1. Proven Track Record: With decades of successful applications behind it, this method is trusted by many professionals in the industry. According to the International Association of Structural Movers (IASM), more than 80% of their member projects 2020 utilized traditional house lifting methods, attesting to their popularity and reliability.
  2. Significant Height Adjustments: One of the standout features of this method is the ability to raise a house to considerable heights. For instance, post-Hurricane Sandy, many homes in New Jersey were lifted by 10 feet or more using this traditional method to comply with new flood zone regulations.
  3. Versatility: Suitable for various types of houses, from wooden cottages to brick mansions, making it a versatile choice for homeowners.


  1. Time-Consuming: The meticulous nature of the process means it’s not the quickest method. On average, traditional house lifting can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks, depending on the size of the home and the desired height.
  2. Relocation Necessary: Given the extensive nature of the operation, residents often need to vacate the property for the duration of the lift. The National House Building Council (NHBC) states that 90% of homeowners opt to relocate temporarily during such projects to ensure safety.
  3. Potential for Damage: If not conducted precisely, there’s a risk of causing cosmetic damages like cracks in the walls or misaligned doors and windows.

Typical Usage

  1. Older Homes Needing Foundation Repairs: According to a 2019 Foundation Repair Association (FRA) survey, approximately 60% of homes older than 50 years require some form of foundational repair, making them prime candidates for traditional lifting.
  2. Homes in Flood-Prone Areas: In the wake of climate change, rising sea levels have led to updated building codes. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) reports that lifting homes above Base Flood Elevation (BFE) in flood zones is not just recommended but often mandated, making traditional lifting a go-to solution.
  3. Preservation Projects: Historical homes or structures of significant cultural value that need careful and precise lifting often employ this method. The National Trust for Historic Preservation highlighted several cases where traditional lifting was pivotal in preserving heritage structures.

Slab Jacking

Slab jacking, also called “mud jacking” or “concrete lifting,” is a technique specifically designed to correct sunken or uneven concrete slabs. This process involves drilling small holes into the affected slab, through which a special mixture—often made of mud, cement, sand, or polyurethane foam—is pumped. As this mixture fills the voids beneath the slab, it exerts pressure, lifting the slab back to its original or desired position. Once the lifting is achieved, the drilled holes are sealed, leaving a relatively unnoticeable trace of the repair.


  1. Cost-Effective: Compared to a full slab replacement or traditional house lifting, slab jacking is often more economical. The Concrete Foundation Association (CFA) estimates that slab jacking costs are typically 50-75% less than the price of slab replacement.
  2. Quick Solution: One of the standout advantages of slab jacking is the speed at which projects can be completed. Most slab jacking jobs can be finished in just a few hours to a day, depending on the size and severity of the issue.
  3. Minimal Disruption: Since the procedure doesn’t require excavation or heavy machinery, homeowners can often stay home during the process. This results in minimal disruption to daily life and routines.
  4. Environmentally Friendly: When mud-based fillers are used, it’s a sustainable choice, as it repurposes natural materials and require fewer resources than slab replacement.


  1. Limited Application: Slab jacking is specifically designed for slab foundations, which is unsuitable for homes with crawl spaces or full basements.
  2. Temporary Fix: While slab jacking can remedy the immediate problem, it doesn’t always address the underlying soil issues that caused the slab to sink in the first place. The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) mentions that in some cases, homes may need additional interventions in the future if the root cause isn’t addressed.
  3. Mixture Concerns: If the wrong mixture is used or improperly prepared, it could lead to further complications, such as unequal lifting or, in the case of foam, potential chemical reactions with surrounding soil.

Typical Usage

  1. Fixing Settled or Sunken Slabs: The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) states that nearly 25% of homes with slab foundations experience some settling within the first decade due to soil compaction or erosion.
  2. Driveways and Patios: Apart from house foundations, slab jacking is often used for correcting sunken driveways, patios, or walkways. A 2021 survey by the American Concrete Institute (ACI) found that driveways and patios constitute approximately 40% of all slab-jacking projects.
  3. Commercial Applications: Slab jacking isn’t just limited to residential properties. Commercial buildings, particularly warehouses with large concrete floors that experience settling, often opt for this method to avoid operational disruptions.

Slab jacking has carved out a niche as a go-to solution for specific foundational problems, particularly those related to slab foundations. Its combination of cost-effectiveness, speed, and minimal disruption makes it a favored choice for many homeowners and businesses facing the challenge of sunken concrete. However, it’s essential to ensure it’s the right fit for the problem and that professionals with a proven track record conduct the process.

Helical Pile House Lifting

Helical piles, often called screw piles or helical piers, are steel shafts with helical plates that are screwed into the ground, providing a deep foundation solution. To employ helical piles for house lifting, the piles are drilled deep into the soil until they reach a layer that can bear the house’s weight. Once securely in place, brackets are attached to the home’s foundation, allowing it to be lifted or stabilized by the helical piles.


  1. Stability Across Various Soil Types: Helical piles can be utilized in various soil conditions, from loose sandy soils to denser clay soils. The Deep Foundations Institute (DFI) has noted that helical piles often outperform other foundation types in challenging soil conditions.
  2. Speedy Installation: Helical piles can be quickly installed, unlike other methods. On average, a house can be secured on helical piles within 1-2 days, depending on the project’s complexity.
  3. Environmentally Friendly: Helical piles have a minimal ecological footprint, especially compared to methods requiring extensive excavation. Their installation results in minimal soil displacement, particularly valuable in ecologically sensitive areas.
  4. Adjustable and Reusable: One unique advantage of helical piles is that they can be unscrewed and reused for adjustments or entirely new projects.


  1. Specialized Equipment Required: Installing helical piles requires specific machinery and tools, which might not always be readily available, potentially increasing project costs.
  2. Expertise is Essential: Incorrect installation of helical piles can compromise the home’s stability. As such, it’s imperative to hire experienced professionals for the task. The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards highlight the importance of proper training and certification for technicians handling helical pile installations.
  3. Potential for Corrosion: Being made of steel, helical piles can be prone to corrosion over time, especially in areas with high soil acidity or salinity. While protective coatings can mitigate this, periodic checks are essential.

Typical Usage

  1. Homes with Structural Issues Due to Unstable Soils: Helical piles offer a deep foundation solution that can stabilize homes in areas prone to landslides or soil liquefaction. The US Geological Survey (USGS) indicates that regions along the West Coast, particularly in California, have seen a rise in helical pile usage due to these geotechnical challenges.
  2. Elevation in Coastal Zones: Many coastal homes are being proactively lifted to mitigate the risks of rising sea levels and storm surges. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) data suggests that helical piles are increasingly chosen in coastal zones thanks to their stability and resistance to shifting sands.
  3. Temporary Structures: Due to their adjustability and reusability, helical piles are often chosen for temporary structures or events that require solid foundations for a limited period.

Helical pile house lifting has emerged as a modern solution to some age-old challenges related to soil instability and changing environmental conditions. Their versatility, along with the advantages of speed and eco-friendliness, makes them a formidable choice for many homeowners. However, as with all lifting methods, understanding the intricacies and ensuring expert handling is the key to unlocking their full potential.

Hydraulic Jack Lifting System

The hydraulic jack lifting system is an advanced version of traditional house lifting. It employs a unified jacking system, wherein multiple hydraulic jacks are synchronized to lift the structure simultaneously and uniformly. Controlled by a central system, this method ensures that every point on the home’s structure is elevated simultaneously, minimizing the risk of structural damage.


  1. Precision and Uniformity: A synchronized jacking system guarantees a consistent lift across the structure. The National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) notes that hydraulic jacking offers a 95% accuracy rate in ensuring even lifting.
  2. Safety: With computerized controls monitoring the process, risks associated with human error are significantly reduced. This enhanced safety protocol has made the hydraulic jack system a choice for many professionals.
  3. Time Efficiency: Since the entire structure is lifted simultaneously, the hydraulic jack system can complete lifts faster than piecemeal methods. On average, homes can be elevated within a day to a few days, depending on the size and complexity of the job.
  4. Versatile Applications: Beyond homes, this system is also employed for lifting bridges, commercial buildings, and other heavy structures, underscoring its versatility.


  1. Higher Costs: The sophisticated equipment and specialized expertise required for hydraulic jack lifting can make it more expensive than traditional methods. A Construction Cost Institute (CCI) report indicates that hydraulic jack lifting projects can cost 10-25% more than traditional house lifting techniques.
  2. Energy Requirements: The system relies on continuous power to maintain synchronization. Although rare, disruptions in power or system malfunctions can pose challenges during the lifting process.
  3. Limited Expertise: Not every lifting company has the equipment or the trained personnel to handle hydraulic jack lifting, which can limit availability in certain regions.

Typical Usage

  1. Large or Complex Structures: The hydraulic jack system is often chosen for larger homes or complex structures due to its precision and even lifting capability. The American Institute of Architects (AIA) reported a surge in its usage for multi-story buildings and historical landmarks, where even lifting is paramount.
  2. Disaster Preparedness: In regions vulnerable to natural disasters like earthquakes or floods, many homes are proactively lifted using this method for accuracy and speed. Data from the US Federal Disaster Management Agency (FDMA) suggests that post-disaster reconstruction projects increasingly adopt hydraulic jacking for swift rehabilitation.
  3. Infrastructure Projects: Beyond residential buildings, this method has been applied to infrastructure projects, such as lifting bridges or railway tracks for maintenance or modifications.

Hydraulic jack lifting systems represent the marriage of traditional lifting techniques with cutting-edge technology. They have become a game-changer in structural elevation by ensuring precision, safety, and time efficiency. While the costs and specialized requirements might be deterrents for some, the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks for many projects, making it a top choice for modern construction and renovation endeavors.


Cribbing is one of the most time-tested and traditional methods of house lifting. Cribbing involves stacking wooden beams or blocks, called “cribs,” in an interlocking grid pattern to form temporary but robust pillars or towers. As the house is gradually lifted using jacks, these cribs are built underneath the structure to provide support and safety. The process is repetitive: lift a bit, build up the cribbing, and lift some more.


  1. Reliability: Given its long history, cribbing is a well-understood technique with predictable outcomes. According to the Historical Building Preservation Society (HBPS), cribbing has been used for over a century, with numerous successful lifts recorded.
  2. Versatility: Cribbing can be used for various structures, including houses, barns, and bridges. Its adaptability to different situations is one of its strong points.
  3. Cost-Effective: Lacking the need for high-tech machinery, cribbing is often more affordable, especially for smaller projects. The National Construction Cost Database (NCCD) suggests that cribbing can save homeowners 15-30% compared to more technologically advanced methods.
  4. Simplicity: Cribbing does not require specialized equipment or power sources, making it applicable even in remote or off-grid locations.


  1. Labor Intensive: Building crib towers can be time-consuming and requires considerable manual labor. This can increase the overall duration of the lifting project.
  2. Space Requirements: Cribbing demands significant space around the structure to allow room for the crib towers and workers to operate safely.
  3. Safety Concerns: While cribbing can be very stable, there’s always a risk of instability if not constructed properly. Experienced professionals must oversee the process. The American Building Safety Council (ABSC) notes a few instances where improper cribbing led to accidents, emphasizing the importance of expertise.
  4. Limited Height: While cribbing can support significant weights, there are practical limits to how high you can lift a structure using this method alone.

Typical Usage

  1. Historic Building Preservation: Historical buildings often prefer cribbing due to its gentle lifting method and adaptability. The HBPS estimates that approximately 60% of historical building lifts employ cribbing in some capacity.
  2. Rural and Remote Locations: In places where bringing in heavy machinery or advanced equipment is impractical, cribbing remains the go-to method.
  3. Barns and Agricultural Structures: Many farmers and rural landowners opt for cribbing to lift barns or other outbuildings because of its cost-effectiveness and simplicity.

With its rich history and straightforward approach, cribbing remains a trusted method in the house-lifting toolbox. While it might not have the flashiness of newer technologies, its track record speaks volumes about its effectiveness and reliability. As with all lifting methods, ensuring the process is carried out with care, precision, and expertise is crucial for success.

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